
We won!

A win is always great news, and especially from The Creative Floor Awards. The international industry event showcases the very best of creative healthcare from countries around the world.

Ward6 and Janssen won in the category for Best Illustration. We were up against some of the biggest global agencies, and we showed them our capabilities.

The winning campaign ‘Check Right Heart’ was created to encourage healthcare professionals to take notice and act on the rare and devastating disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).

It’s a great win and a credit to all involved in the campaign, including 3D production house Inland Studio.

Stuart Black, Ward6 Group CEO said, “We aim to be the most creative healthcare agency in the region. That’s why people come to work at Ward6. So, we love to partner with clients who believe in the value and the power of innovation. Janssen is one such client, and it is a privilege to work with them.”