Sanofi — Don’t let flu catch you

An ominous message

Influenza is responsible for hundreds of deaths and thousands of hospitalisations each year.

While overshadowed by COVID over the last two years and all but forgotten, Australians needed to be reminded to take flu seriously, as we move around more.

Our approach was to position flu as an imposing and menacing threat to shake Australians out of their vaccination complacency.

‘Don’t let flu catch you’ used commissioned illustrations in deep colours and textures to create a dark, shadowy and ominous atmosphere through the everyday to highlight the invisible but very real presence of the virus.

Our engagement plan applied precision targeting, activating in digital and social, using look-a-like data and behavioural re-targeting data, to hit priority audiences with various messaging in a timely and orchestrated way.

The result was a 900% increase in visits to the directed Vaccine Hub Facebook page.

Prime Awards Finalist
